Man pages for datashield/dsBaseClient
DataSHIELD Client Functions

checkClassChecks that an object has the same class in all studies
colPercentProduces column percentages
ds.absComputes the absolute values of a variable
ds.asCharacterConverts a server-side R object into a character class
ds.asDataMatrixConverts a server-side R object into a matrix
ds.asFactorConverts a server-side numeric vector into a factor
ds.asFactorSimpleConverts a numeric vector into a factor
ds.asIntegerConverts a server-side R object into an integer class
ds.asListConverts a server-side R object into a list
ds.asLogicalConverts a server-side R object into a logical class
ds.asMatrixConverts a server-side R object into a matrix
ds.asNumericConverts a server-side R object into a numeric class
ds.assignAssigns an R object to a name in the server-side
ds.aucCalculates the Area under the curve (AUC)
ds.BooleConverts a server-side R object into Boolean indicators
ds.boxPlotDraw boxplot
ds.boxPlotGGRenders boxplot
ds.boxPlotGG_data_TreatmentTake a data frame on the server side an arrange it to pass it...
ds.boxPlotGG_data_Treatment_numericTake a vector on the server side an arrange it to pass it to...
ds.boxPlotGG_numericDraw boxplot with information from a numeric vector
ds.boxPlotGG_tableDraw boxplot with information from a data frame
ds.bp_standardsCalculates Blood pressure z-scores
ds.cCombines values into a vector or list in the server-side
ds.cbindCombines R objects by columns in the server-side
ds.changeRefGroupChanges the reference level of a factor in the server-side
ds.classClass of the R object in the server-side
ds.colnamesProduces column names of the R object in the server-side
ds.completeCasesIdentifies complete cases in server-side R objects
ds.contourPlotGenerates a contour plot
ds.corCalculates the correlation of R objects in the server-side
ds.corTestTests for correlation between paired samples in the...
ds.covCalculates the covariance of R objects in the server-side
ds.dataFrameGenerates a data frame object in the server-side
ds.dataFrameFillCreates missing values columns in the server-side
ds.dataFrameSortSorts data frames in the server-side
ds.dataFrameSubsetSub-sets data frames in the server-side
ds.densityGridGenerates a density grid in the client-side
ds.dimRetrieves the dimension of a server-side R object
ds.dmtC2SCopy a clientside data.frame, matrix or tibble to the...
ds.elsplineBasis for a piecewise linear spline with meaningful...
ds.existsChecks if an object is defined on the server-side
ds.expComputes the exponentials in the server-side
ds.extractQuantilesSecure ranking of a vector across all sources and use of...
ds.forestplotForestplot for SLMA models
ds.gamlssGeneralized Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape
ds.getWGSRComputes the WHO Growth Reference z-scores of anthropometric...
ds.glmFits Generalized Linear Model
ds.glmerSLMAFits Generalized Linear Mixed-Effect Models via Study-Level...
ds.glmPredictApplies predict.glm() to a serverside glm object
ds.glmSLMAFit a Generalized Linear Model (GLM) with pooling via Study...
ds.glmSummarySummarize a glm object on the serverside
ds.heatmapPlotGenerates a Heat Map plot
ds.hetcorHeterogeneous Correlation Matrix
ds.histogramGenerates a histogram plot
ds.igb_standardsConverts birth measurements to intergrowth z-scores/centiles
ds.isNAChecks if a server-side vector is empty
ds.isValidChecks if a server-side object is valid
ds.kurtosisCalculates the kurtosis of a numeric variable
ds.lengthGets the length of an object in the server-side
ds.levelsProduces levels attributes of a server-side factor
ds.lexisRepresents follow-up in multiple states on multiple time...
ds.listConstructs a list of objects in the server-side
ds.listClientsideFunctionsLists client-side functions
ds.listDisclosureSettingsLists disclosure settings
ds.listOpalsLists all Opal objects in the analytic environment
ds.listServersideFunctionsLists server-side functions
ds.lmerSLMAFits Linear Mixed-Effect model via Study-Level Meta-Analysis
ds.logComputes logarithms in the server-side
ds.lookPerforms direct call to a server-side aggregate function
ds.lslists all objects on a server-side environment
ds.lsplineBasis for a piecewise linear spline with meaningful...
ds.makeCalculates a new object in the server-side
ds.matrixCreates a matrix on the server-side
ds.matrixDetCalculates de determinant of a matrix in the server-side
ds.matrixDet.reportReturns matrix determinant to the client-side
ds.matrixDiagCalculates matrix diagonals in the server-side
ds.matrixDimnamesSpecifies the dimnames of the server-side matrix
ds.matrixInvertInverts a server-side square matrix
ds.matrixMultCalculates tow matrix multiplication in the server-side
ds.matrixTransposeTransposes a server-side matrix
ds.meanComputes server-side vector statistical mean
ds.meanByClassComputes the mean and standard deviation across categories
ds.meanSdGpComputes the mean and standard deviation across groups...
ds.mergeMerges two data frames in the server-side
ds.messageReturns server-side messages to the client-side
ds.metadataGets the metadata associated with a variable held on the...
ds.miceMultivariate Imputation by Chained Equations
ds.namesReturn the names of a list object
ds.nsGenerate a Basis Matrix for Natural Cubic Splines
ds.numNAGets the number of missing values in a server-side vector
ds.qlsplineBasis for a piecewise linear spline with meaningful...
ds.quantileMeanComputes the quantiles of a server-side variable
ds.ranksSecureSecure ranking of a vector across all sources
ds.rbindCombines R objects by rows in the server-side
ds.rBinomGenerates Binomial distribution in the server-side
ds.recodeLevelsRecodes the levels of a server-side factor vector
ds.recodeValuesRecodes server-side variable values
ds.repCreates a repetitive sequence in the server-side
ds.replaceNAReplaces the missing values in a server-side vector
ds.reShapeReshapes server-side grouped data
ds.rmDeletes server-side R objects
ds.rNormGenerates Normal distribution in the server-side
ds.rowColCalcComputes rows and columns sums and means in the server-side
ds.rPoisGenerates Poisson distribution in the server-side
ds.rUnifGenerates Uniform distribution in the server-side
ds.samplePerforms random sampling and permuting of vectors, dataframes...
ds.scatterPlotGenerates non-disclosive scatter plots
ds.seqGenerates a sequence in the server-side
ds.setDefaultOpalsCreates a default set of Opal objects called 'default.opals'
ds.setSeedServer-side random number generation
ds.skewnessCalculates the skewness of a server-side numeric variable
ds.sqrtComputes the square root values of a variable
ds.subsetGenerates a valid subset of a table or a vector
ds.subsetByClassGenerates valid subset(s) of a data frame or a factor
ds.summaryGenerates the summary of a server-side object
ds.tableGenerates 1-, 2-, and 3-dimensional contingency tables with...
ds.table1DGenerates 1-dimensional contingency tables
ds.table2DGenerates 2-dimensional contingency tables
ds.tapplyApplies a Function Over a Server-Side Ragged Array
ds.tapply.assignApplies a Function Over a Ragged Array on the server-side
ds.testObjExistsChecks if an R object exists on the server-side
ds.uniquePerform 'unique' on a variable on the server-side
ds.unListFlattens Server-Side Lists
ds.varComputes server-side vector variance
ds.vectorCalcPerforms a mathematical operation on two or more vectors
extractSplits character by '$' and returns the single characters
getPooledMeanGets a pooled statistical mean
getPooledVarGets a pooled variance
glmChecksChecks if the elements in the glm model have the right...
isAssignedChecks an object has been generated on the server side
isDefinedChecks if the objects are defined in all studies
logical2intTurns a logical operator into an integer
meanByClassHelper0aComputes the mean values of a numeric vector across a factor...
meanByClassHelper0bRuns the computation if variables are within a table...
meanByClassHelper1Generates subset tables
meanByClassHelper2Generates a table for pooled results
meanByClassHelper3Generates results tables for each study separately
meanByClassHelper4Gets the subset tables out of the list (i.e. unlist)
rowPercentProduces row percentages
subsetHelperEnsures that the requested subset is not larger than the...
datashield/dsBaseClient documentation built on Nov. 16, 2024, 2:07 p.m.