Man pages for datastorm-open/DependenciesGraphs
Dependencies visualization between functions and environments

add.html.helpGiven html help for a function
allDepFunctionFor a function, give all dependencies
allFunctionEnvGiven a environment, can be a package, returns a vector of...
data.graph.scriptDependencies for scripts
envirDependenciesReturn all dependencies between functions in an environment
funDependenciesReturn all dependencies from a function in an environment
launch.appLaunch shiny app
linksForAllFor a environnement, give all dependencies
linksForOneFor a function, give all dependencies
mastersSlavesGiven a matrix, returns a dataframe which two columns...
Pck.loadGiven dependencies between all install packages dependencies between all install packages
plot.dependenciesGraphsPlot network for dependenciesGraphs object
prepareToVisPrepare data for graph visNetwork
VisFunsmatriceReturn all dependencies between elements of a matrix
datastorm-open/DependenciesGraphs documentation built on Aug. 6, 2024, 4:15 p.m.