Man pages for davidhodge931/ggblanket
Simplify 'ggplot2' Visualisation

aes_colour_contrastA colour aesthetic for contrast
annotate_axis_lineReplace a axis line with an annotated segment
blueA blue colour
dark_mode_rDark mode theme family
flex_mode_bFlexible mode with bottom legend
flex_mode_baseMode theme base
flex_mode_rFlexible mode with right legend
flex_mode_tFlexible mode with top legend
gg_areaArea ggplot
gg_barBar ggplot
gg_bin_2dBin_2d ggplot
gg_blanketBlanket ggplot
ggblanket-packageggblanket: Simplify 'ggplot2' Visualisation
gg_boxplotBoxplot ggplot
gg_colCol ggplot
gg_contourContour ggplot
gg_contour_filledContour_filled ggplot
gg_crossbarCrossbar ggplot
gg_densityDensity ggplot
gg_density_2dDensity_2d ggplot
gg_density_2d_filledDensity_2d_filled ggplot
gg_errorbarErrorbar ggplot
gg_freqpolyFreqpoly ggplot
gg_functionFunction ggplot
gg_hexHex ggplot
gg_histogramHistogram ggplot
gg_jitterJitter ggplot
gg_labelLabel ggplot
gg_lineLine ggplot
gg_linerangeLinerange ggplot
gg_pathPath ggplot
gg_pointPoint ggplot
gg_pointrangePointrange ggplot
gg_polygonPolygon ggplot
gg_qqQq ggplot
gg_quantileQuantile ggplot
gg_rasterRaster ggplot
gg_rectRect ggplot
gg_ribbonRibbon ggplot
gg_ribbon_lineRibbon line ggplot
gg_rugRug ggplot
gg_segmentSegment ggplot
gg_sfSf ggplot
gg_smoothSmooth ggplot
gg_stepStep ggplot
gg_textText ggplot
gg_tileTile ggplot
gg_violinViolin ggplot
greyA grey colour
jumbleThe jumble palette
label_every_nthLabel every nth element
light_mode_rLight mode theme family
lightnessMode colour and linewidth defaults
scale_x_symmetricSymmetric x continuous scale
scale_y_symmetricSymmetric y continuous scale
set_blanketSet the style
set_font_defaultsSet the font geom defaults
set_reference_defaultsSet reference-line geom defaults
weave_col_paletteSet colour (and fill) palettes
weave_geom_defaultsSet a series of geom defaults
weave_label_caseSet a label case function
weave_themeSet a theme
davidhodge931/ggblanket documentation built on Feb. 25, 2025, 9:17 p.m.