Man pages for domoinc/rdomo
Domo API Interface

collections_getRetrieve data about a specific collection.
collections_updateUpdate a collection spec
Domo-classReference class containing functionality to interact with...
ds_createDownload a given data set.
ds_deleteDelete a given data set.
ds_getDownload a given data set.
ds_importUpload a given data set.
ds_listList Data Sets
ds_metaRetrieve meta data for a given data set.
ds_queryRun a query against a data set in Domo.
ds_renameRename a given data set
ds_updateUpload a given data set.
get_accessGet access token environment variable for data access.
get_domainGet domain, some instances are on beta
groups_add_usersReturn group definition.
groups_createCreate a new group. Add users if given.
groups_deleteDelete group.
groups_getReturn group definition.
groups_listList all groups in Domo instance.
groups_list_usersReturn group definition.
groups_remove_usersRemove users from group.
page_createCreate a page
page_getDownload information regarding a specific Domo page.
page_get_collectionsDownload information regarding a specific Domo page.
page_listDownload list of pages
page_updateUpdate a page spec
pdp_createCreate a new PDP policy
pdp_deleteDelete a specific policy from the given dataset.
pdp_enableEnable PDP on a data set
pdp_listList all PDP policies defined on a given dataset.
pdp_updateUpdate a single PDP policy
set_accessSet access token environment variable for data access.
stream_searchSearch for a stream based on a data set id
stream_updateUpdate a stream based on a stream id obtained from stream...
users_addAdd a user or users
users_deleteDelete a Domo user account.
users_getDownload information regarding a specific Domo user.
users_listList all users in Domo instance.
users_updateUpdate a user
domoinc/rdomo documentation built on Nov. 8, 2024, 12:48 a.m.