Man pages for druid-io/RDruid
Druid connector for R

aggregationDefines a reference to a Druid aggregation
cardinalityConstructs a cardinality aggregator for the given Druid...
dimensionCreates a Druid dimension object an arbitrary Druid aggregator using the given... a Druid post-aggregator
druid.countConstructs a count aggregator
druid.filter.andConstruct an 'and' filter of the given filters
druid.filter.javascriptConstruct a JavaScript filter for a given dimension
druid.filter.notConstruct a 'not' filter of the given filter
druid.filter.orConstruct an 'or' filter of the given filters
druid.filter.regexConstruct a regex filter for a given dimension
druid.groupBytodfConvert Druid groupBy query result to a data frame
druid.having.andConstruct an 'and' having of the given havingspecs
druid.having.notConstruct a 'not' having of the given havingspec
druid.having.orConstruct an 'or' having of the given havingspecs
druid.postagg.arithmeticCreates an arithmetic post-aggregator
druid.postagg.constantCreates a constant post-aggregator
druid.postagg.fieldAccessCreates a fieldAccess post-aggregator
druid.query.dataSourcesQuery Druid data sources
druid.query.dimensionsQuery data source dimensions
druid.query.groupBygroupBy query
druid.query.metricsQuery data source metrics
druid.query.segmentMetadataQuery segment metadata
druid.query.timeBoundaryQuery data source time boundaries
druid.query.timeseriesQuery time series data
druid.query.topNQuery to find the topN dimension values of a datasource
druid.resulttodfConverts JSON from Druid into a data frame
druid.urlConstruct the URL for a druid endpoint.
equals-.druid.aggregationConstruct an equalTo having clause for a given aggregation
equals-.druid.dimensionConstruct a selector filter for a given dimension
equalToConstruct an equalTo having clause of the given named...
fieldCreates a fieldAccess post-aggregator
fromISOConvert an ISO 8601 string to a POSIXct object
granularityCreates a Druid query granularity object
grapes-equals-grapesConstruct a selector filter
grapes-equals-grapes-.druid.dimensionConstruct a selector filter for a given dimension
grapes-twiddle-grapesConstruct a regex filter
grapes-twiddle-grapes-.druid.dimensionConstruct a regex filter for a given dimension
greater-than-equals-.druid.aggregationConstruct a greaterThan having clause for a given aggregation
hyperUniqueConstructs a hyperUnique aggregator over the given Druid...
javascriptConstructs a JavaScript aggregator for the given Druid...
jsoncalls toJSON with a default set of arguments
less-than-equals-.druid.aggregationConstruct a lessThan having clause for a given aggregation
longSumConstructs a longSum aggregator over the given Druid metric
longSum.druid.metricConstructs a longSum aggregator over the given Druid metric
max.druid.metricConstructs a max aggregator over the given Druid metric
metricDefines a reference to a Druid metric
min.druid.metricConstructs a min aggregator over the given Druid metric
plus-.druid.postaggregatorDefine a post-aggregator by adding aggregators,...
querySend a JSON query to Druid
RDruidR interface to Druid
renameaggRename aggregators based on their list name
selectorConstruct a selector filter of the given named arguments
slash-.druid.postaggregatorDefine a post-aggregator by dividing aggregators,...
sum.druid.metricConstructs a doubleSum aggregator over the given Druid metric
sum.druid.postaggregatorSum of Druid post-aggregators
times-.druid.postaggregatorDefine a post-aggregator by multiplying aggregators,...
toISOConvert an object to its ISO 8601 string representation
toISO.charactertoISO leaves strings as is without checking for ISO 8601...
toISO.IntervalConvert a Interval object to its ISO 8601 string...
toISO.listConvert a list of objects to their ISO 8601 string...
toISO.numericConvert a POSIX timestamp to its ISO 8601 string...
toISO.POSIXtConvert a POSIX* object to its ISO 8601 string representation
wrapConstanthelper function to wrap constants in formulas
druid-io/RDruid documentation built on May 15, 2019, 2:54 p.m.