Man pages for dsbbfinddx/FINDCov19Tracker
What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)

calc_manual_countriesFind and write countries which need manual processing
check_jhu_dataPerform Consistency Checks
combine_all_testsCombine test daily data from all countries across all dates
create_shiny_dataCreate Input Data for Shiny Application
download_jhu_dataDownload JHU data
fetch_test_dataScrape test data from countries via R
FINDCov19Tracker-packageFINDCov19Tracker: What the Package Does (One Line, Title...
get_test_dataGet tests from different sources (Selenium, fetch, and...
preprocess_jhu_dataPreprocess JHU data Processes JHU input data
process_jhu_dataUpdate John Hopkins University data
process_test_dataPostprocess tests data for input into Shiny App
segregated_test_dataGet segregated tests from Selenium and combine them. Using...
dsbbfinddx/FINDCov19Tracker documentation built on Nov. 23, 2022, 11:01 p.m.