Man pages for dsjohnson/agTrend.gam
Estimate Linear Trends for Aggregated Abundance Data

ag.abundanceAggregate abundance samples
ag.summSummarize aggregated abundance samples
ag.trendCalculate log-linear trend estmates from aggregated abundance...
agTrend.gam-packageR package for fitting temporal trends to abundence data...
edpsNonpupsPup counts from surveys of the eastern Distict Populations...
edpsPupsPup counts from surveys of the eastern Distict Populations...
make.agtrend.dataProduce data object for use in 'site.simulate'
newAggregationRecalculate new site aggregations from a previous MCMC...
photoCorrectionData from a pilot study of collecting Steller sea lion counts... a gam model to an individual site data set
site.sim.gamSimulate abundance measurements from a fitted GAM model
site.simulatePosterior predictive sampling, aggregtion of abundance...
updateTrendRecalculate posterior predictive trend with a different time...
wdpsNonpupsSteller sea lion survey data (nonpup counts) collected by the...
wdpsPupsPup counts from surveys of the western Distict Populations...
dsjohnson/agTrend.gam documentation built on May 6, 2019, 1:35 a.m.