Man pages for dstanley4/learnSampling
Tools to help learn sampling

get_d_samplesCalculate a number of sample d-values (unbiased) based on a...
get_d_samples_from_population_dataCalculate a number of sample correlations based on a...
get_M_samplesCalculate a number of sample d-values (unbiased) based on a...
get_r_samplesCalculate a number of sample correlations based on a...
get_r_samples_from_population_dataCalculate a number of sample correlations based on a...
learnSamplingCreate sampling demonstrations
make_pop_corCreate simulated correlation population
make_pop_dCreate simulated d-value population
mvrnorm_corCreate simulated correlatio data
percent_trueCalculate the percentage of rows that are true in a column
simulate_measurement_errorCreate simulated cmeasurement error
stat_histotextThis is the documentation for stat_histotext
dstanley4/learnSampling documentation built on Aug. 30, 2023, 12:59 a.m.