Man pages for dynverse/babelwhale
Talking to 'Docker' and 'Singularity' Containers

babelwhaleTalking to both Docker and Singularity containers from R
copy_fileCopy a file from a container to the host system
create_configBackend configuration for containerisation
list_docker_imagesList docker containers
pull_containerPull a container from dockerhub
read_fileRead a file from a container
runRun a containerised command, and wait until finished
run_auto_mountRun a containerised command with automatic mounting of files
singularity_image_pathDetermine the cached path of singularity images
test_docker_installationTests whether docker is correctly installed and available
test_singularity_installationTests whether singularity is correctly installed and...
dynverse/babelwhale documentation built on July 31, 2023, 2:11 a.m.