Man pages for eMetaboHUB/MS-CleanR
Cleans MS Data for Easier Analyses

annotate_clusterAnnotate a single cluster
check_architecture_for_clean_msdial_dataCheck project architecture before running...
check_architecture_for_keep_top_peaksCheck project architecture before running 'keep_top_peaks'.
check_architecture_for_launch_msfinder_annotationCheck project architecture before running...
check_booleanCheck if value is boolean.
check_for_convert_csv_to_mspCheck before running 'launch_msfinder_annotation'.
check_input_parameters_keep_top_peaksCheck if input parameters are correct before running...
check_input_parameters_launch_msfinderCheck if input parameters are correct before running...
check_input_parameters_msdial_dataCheck if input parameters are correct before running...
check_main_architectureCheck the project main architecture
check_pathCheck if a path exist.
check_positive_intCheck if value is a positive integer.
check_positive_numCheck if value is a positive numerical value.
check_probabilityCheck if value is a probability (numerical value between 0...
check_referencesCheck if value is a correct reference data.frame
choose_project_directoryDeclare the project directory for the analysis process.
clean_for_current_runCreate a directory or delete a file for a new run.
clean_msc_combinationsCleans the columns name of data generated my MSCombine.
clean_msdial_dataCombine pos and neg files from MSDial and filter peaks...
clear_duplicate_linksClear duplicate undirected MSDial links.
compute_massdiffCompute mass differences between 2 lists of adducts
concat_msp_filesConcatenate all MSP files present in the folder at 'path'.
convert_csv_to_mspConvert the final CSV file post annotations to MSP format.
detect_posneg_combinationsDetect possible adducts, neutral losses and positive and...
detect_single_polarity_combinationsDetect possible adducts and neutral losses.
export_dataExport data for users.
extract_concatenated_data_from_columnExtract data concatenated in a single column.
extract_msdial_linksExtract links between elements identified by MSDial.
find_structureFind the most probable structure by iterating over all...
get_adducts_nl_linksDetect possible neutral losses, isotopes and adduct links.
get_confirmation_for_overwritingAsk the user confirmation for overwriting if the path already...
get_most_probableGet the most probable structure for the whole input...
get_pattern_fileGet path for a file found thanks to a pattern.
get_project_file_pathGet path for a project file or directory.
get_samples_infoGet samples names and class from an MSDial file and generate...
import_dataImport data exported by the script.
import_msdial_dataImport all data generated by MSDial.
import_msdial_fileImport an MS file generated by MSDial.
import_msfinder_base_fileGeneric function for importing a file generated by MSFinder
import_msfinder_dataImport files generated by MSFinder, both formula and...
import_msfinder_formula_fileImport a formula file generated by MSFinder.
import_msfinder_structure_fileImport a structure file generated by MSFinder.
increment_stringsIncrement the final number in strings.
keep_top_peaksFilter peaks based on a given criterion.
launch_msfinder_annotationAnnotates peaks based on files extracted from MSFinder.
mass_adducts_negMass differences of adducts with the original compound M, in...
mass_adducts_posMass differences of adducts with the original compound M, in...
mass_isotopesMasses of isotopes.
mass_neutral_loss_negMasses of neutral losses, in negative mode.
mass_neutral_loss_posMasses of neutral losses, in positive mode.
matrix_to_dfTransform a matrix to a data.frame.
mscleanrmscleanr: A package for cleaning and analyzing MS data
print_messagePrint a message in green.
print_peaks_statusPrint number of peaks in data in a message for the user.
print_warningPrint a warning in yellow.
recurrent_paramsReturn documentation info for recurrent parameters.
runGUILaunch the Graphical User Interface (GUI)
stop_scriptStop the script after printing an error.
substrRightExtract characters from a string from the right.
update_annotations_scoresAdapt the final annotations scores.
eMetaboHUB/MS-CleanR documentation built on Jan. 3, 2024, 8:55 p.m.