Man pages for ebenmichael/augsynth
The Augmented Synthetic Control Method

augsynthFit Augmented SCM
augsynth_multioutFit Augmented SCM with multiple outcomes
check_data_stagCheck that we can actually run multisynth on the data
conformal_infConformal inference procedure to compute p-values and...
conformal_inf_linearConformal inference procedure to compute a confidence...
conformal_inf_multioutConformal inference procedure to compute p-values and...
get_nona_donorsGet donors that don't have missing outcomes where treated...
jackknife_se_singleEstimate standard errors for single ASCM with the jackknife...
kansasEconomic indicators for US states from 1990-2016
make_V_matrixMake a V matrix from a vector (or null)
multisynthFit staggered synth
plot.augsynthPlot function for augsynth
plot.augsynth_multioutPlot function for summary function for augsynth
plot.multisynthPlot function for multisynth
plot.summary.augsynthPlot function for summary function for augsynth
plot.summary.augsynth_multioutPlot function for summary function for augsynth
plot.summary.multisynthPlot function for summary function for multisynth
predict.augsynthGet prediction of ATT or average outcome under control
predict.augsynth_multioutGet prediction of ATT or average outcome under control
predict.multisynthGet prediction of average outcome under control or ATT
print.augsynthPrint function for augsynth
print.augsynth_multioutPrint function for augsynth
print.multisynthPrint function for multisynth
print.summary.augsynthPrint function for summary function for augsynth
print.summary.augsynth_multioutPrint function for summary function for augsynth
print.summary.multisynthPrint function for summary function for multisynth
rdirichlet_bBayesian bootstrap
rmultinom_bNon-parametric bootstrap
rwild_bWild bootstrap (Mammen 1993)
single_augsynthFit Augmented SCM
summary.augsynthSummary function for augsynth
summary.augsynth_multioutSummary function for augsynth
summary.multisynthSummary function for multisynth
time_jackknife_plusJackknife+ algorithm over time
time_jackknife_plus_multioutJackknife+ algorithm over time
ebenmichael/augsynth documentation built on Feb. 1, 2025, 10:43 p.m.