Man pages for elipousson/mapbaltimore
Make maps for Baltimore City with open data

adjust_bboxGet bounding box buffered and adjusted to aspect ratio
adjust_bbox_aspGet bounding box adjusted to match aspect ratio
adopted_plansAdopted city plans, accepted community-initiated plans, and...
baltimore_bboxBaltimore City WGS84 Bounding Box
baltimore_block_groupsU.S. Census Block Groups - 2020
baltimore_blocksU.S. Census Blocks - 2020
baltimore_census_xwalkCrosswalk for Baltimore areas and Census geography
baltimore_cityGeneralized political boundary for Baltimore City
baltimore_city_detailedDetailed physical boundary for Baltimore City
baltimore_gis_indexBaltimore ArcGIS Server index data
baltimore_mihpMaryland Inventory of Historic Properties in Baltimore City
baltimore_msa_countiesCounty boundaries for the Baltimore–Columbia–Towson MSA
baltimore_msa_waterBaltimore Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) Water Polygons
baltimore_pumasBaltimore PUMAS (Public Use Microdata Areas) - 2010
baltimore_tractsU.S. Census Tracts - 2020
baltimore_waterBaltimore City Water
balt_tbl_labsBaltimore Data Table Labels
bcps_programsBaltimore City Public School Programs (SY 2021-2022)
bcps_zonesBaltimore City Public Schools School Zones or School...
buffer_areaGet buffered area
buildings_21stcBaltimore 21st Century Schools
cache_baltimore_dataCache data for mapbaltimore package
chap_districtsCHAP Historic Districts
check_areaValidate area provided to mapping or charting function.
circulator_routesCharm City Circulator Routes
circulator_stopsCharm City Circulator and Harbor Connector Stops
clip_areaClip an area to a portion of the whole area
congressional_districtsU.S. Congressional Districts for Baltimore City
council_districtsBaltimore City Council Districts
csasCommunity Statistical Areas (2010)
erase_baltimoreErase any are overlapping the geometry
explore_baltimoreExplore Baltimore Heritage Stories
filter_streetsFilter streets
get_areaGet area of selected type
get_area_911_callsGet area 911 calls for service from Open Baltimore
get_area_bcps_programsGet BCPS programs and attendance zones for a local area
get_area_census_geographyGet U.S. Census geography overlapping with an area.
get_area_citationsGet area citations from Open Baltimore
get_area_crashesGet vehicle crashes for area in Baltimore from Maryland Open...
get_area_crimeGet area crimes from Open Baltimore
get_area_dataGet local or cached data for an area
get_area_esri_dataGet data from an ArcGIS FeatureServer or MapServer
get_area_osm_dataGet Open Street Map features for area
get_area_permitsGet area building permits from Open Baltimore
get_area_propertyGet real property data
get_area_requestsGet area 311 service requests from Open Baltimore
get_area_streetsGet selected area streets
get_area_vacantsGet vacant building notices
get_area_zoningGet zoning data for an area
get_baltimore_esri_dataGet Baltimore data
get_baltimore_worker_flowsGet Baltimore metro area worker flows from the Census...
get_batchBatch load or save data for an area, street, or intersection
get_intersectionGet intersections
get_maryland_open_resourceGet dataset from Maryland Open Data portal with optional SoQL...
get_nearby_areasGet nearby areas
get_streetsGet streets
hmt_2017Housing Market Typology 2017
inspire_plansINSPIRE Plans
layer_area_dataLayer for area data
layer_area_maskAdd an area mask to a ggplot2 map as a layer
layer_area_propertyAdd a layer to a gpplot2 map with area property categorized...
layer_area_streetsAdd a layer to a gpplot2 map with area streets, street names,...
legislative_districtsMaryland Legislative Districts for Baltimore City (2022)
legislative_districts_2012Maryland Legislative Districts for Baltimore City (2012)
main_streetsBaltimore City Main Streets
map_area_bcps_programsMap BCPS programs and attendance zones for a local area
map_area_highlightedMaps a highlighted area within the context of multiple areas
map_area_in_areasMap area within selected overlapping areas
map_area_in_cityMap area in the context of city boundaries
map_area_mta_servicesMap MTA services
map_area_parksMap area parks and open spaces
map_area_propertyReal property or parcel data is from the Maryland State...
map_area_zoningMap zoning for an area (not working)
mapbaltimore-packagemapbaltimore: Make maps for Baltimore City with open data
maryland_open_data_api_keyInstall a Maryland Open Data Portal API Key in Your...
mta_bus_linesMaryland Transit Administration (MTA) Bus Routes (2022)
mta_bus_stopsMaryland Transit Administration (MTA) Bus Stops (2023)
mta_light_rail_linesMaryland Transit Administration (MTA) Light RailLink Stations
mta_light_rail_stationsMaryland Transit Administration (MTA) Light RailLink Stations
mta_marc_linesMaryland Transit Administration (MTA) MARC Train Lines
mta_marc_stationsMaryland Transit Administration (MTA) MARC Train Stations
mta_subway_linesMaryland Transit Administration (MTA) SubwayLink Metro Lines
mta_subway_stationsMaryland Transit Administration (MTA) SubwayLink Metro...
named_intersectionsBaltimore City Street Intersection Names
ndc_projectsNeighborhood Design Center Projects
neighborhoodsNeighborhood Boundaries for Baltimore City (2010)
neighborhoods_2020Neighborhood Boundaries for Baltimore City (2020)
park_districtsBaltimore Park Districts
parksBaltimore City Parks
pipePipe operator
planning_districtsBaltimore City Planning Districts
police_districtsBaltimore City Police Districts (1959-2022)
police_districts_2023Baltimore City Police Districts (2023-Current)
public_artBaltimore public art works and monuments
rec_centersBaltimore City Recreation Centers
request_types311 Service Request Types for Baltimore City
respagency_codesBaltimore City Real Property Responsible Agency Codes
scale_mapbaltimoreScales for Baltimore data
schools_21stcBaltimore 21st Century Schools
set_map_limitsSet map limits to area
set_map_themeSet default map theme
streetsBaltimore City Street Center Lines
wards_1797_1918Historic Ward Boundaries, 1797-1918 for Baltimore City
xwalk_block2tractU.S. Census Block-to-Tract Crosswalk with 2010 Block...
xwalk_csa2nsaCommunity Statistical Area (CSA)-to-Neighborhood Statistical...
xwalk_neighborhood2tractNeighborhood-to-U.S. Census Tract Crosswalk
xwalk_zip2csaZipcode-to-Community Statistical Area (NSA) Crosswalk
zoningBaltimore City Zoning Code
elipousson/mapbaltimore documentation built on Dec. 1, 2024, 1:22 p.m.