Man pages for embruna/refsplitr
author name disambiguation, author georeferencing, and mapping of coauthorship networks with 'Web of Science' data

authors_cleanSeperates author information in references files from...
authors_georefExtracts the lat and long for each address from authors_clean
authors_refineRefines the authors code output from authors_clean()
BITRData from the journal BioTropica (pulled from Web of...
BITR_geocodeGeoreferenced data from the journal BioTropica (pulled from...
countriesNames of all the countries in the world
plot_addresses_countryPlot addresses, the number of which are summed by...
plot_addresses_pointsPlot address point locations on world map
plot_net_addressCreates a network diagram of coauthors' addresses linked by...
plot_net_coauthorCreates a network diagram of coauthors' countries linked by...
plot_net_countryCreates a network diagram of coauthors' countries linked by...
references_readReads Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge/Science and ISI...
refsplitr-packagerefsplitr: author name disambiguation, author georeferencing,...
embruna/refsplitr documentation built on Aug. 16, 2024, 2:38 a.m.