Man pages for energyRt/merra2ools
R-tools to process MERRA-2 data (NASA) with focus on renewable energy

add_coordAdd longitude and latitude of 'locid'
add_merra2_gridAdds MERRA2 grid (polygons) to the data
add_merra2_pointsAdds MERRA2 grid (points) to the data
angle_of_incidenceAngle of Incidence (AOI)
closest_locidGet MERRA-2 grid IDs closest to the given coordinates
cluster_locidSpatial clustering based on correlation or other metrics.
deg2radConvert degrees to radians
fDateCreate date-time character string from year, month, hour, and...
fHellmannHellmann function to extrapolate wind speed from 10 and 50...
fWindPowerCurveWind power curve function. Estimates power output based on...
fWindSpeedExtrapolationHellmann-constant-based extrapolation of wind speed for...
get_locidGet MERRA-2 grid IDs which overlaps with the given spatial...
get_merra2_gridGet MERRA-2 grid
get_merra2_subsetGet MERRA-2 subset
ghi_decompositionIrradiance decomposition
gif_merraQuick GIF plots
merra2Get, Set, or Check content of the Directory with the MERRA2...
merra2ools-packagemerra2ools: R-tools to process MERRA-2 data (NASA) with focus...
merra2_sampleGet a example of MERRA2 data for a particular month(s)
pipePipe operator
plot_merraQuick plots of wind speed and its dynamics
poa_irradiancePlane-Of-Array (POA) isotropic irradiance model
pv_array_positionPhotovoltaic Solar Panel Orientation and Performance Models
pv_array_typesList tracking system types
read_merra_fileReads one file from MERRA-2 subset for a given year and month
solar_positionSolar position
tilt.param.defaultDefault tilt-parameters of tracking systems
yday2dateConvert the day of the year to
energyRt/merra2ools documentation built on May 2, 2024, 4:53 a.m.