Man pages for epicentre-msf/covidutils
Utility Functions For Epicentre COVID-19 Analysis

combine_careCombine care
combine_ciFormatting Confidence Intervals
country_plotPlot cases and deaths and trends into a single graphic plot
country_tablegt country summary table
get_country_summariesGet summary df of country cases, deaths and trends etc
get_ecdc_dataImport ECDC data
get_msf_linelistImport MSF data from a remote location
get_owid_jhcsseImport JHU CSSE data from Our World in Data's github
get_owid_summaryImport OWID covid summaries per country
get_trendsCompute case and deaths trends
label_breaksLabel breaks
monday_week_dateReturn a date variable set to the Monday of the week
prepare_ecdc_dataPrepare ECDC data
prepare_msf_dtaPrepare MSF Covid linelist data
epicentre-msf/covidutils documentation built on July 22, 2021, 1:03 p.m.