Man pages for ericdunipace/SLIMpaper
Interpretable Model Summaries Using the Wasserstein Distance

abart.fixfixes bug in abart program from the BART package
construct_interp_survival_matrixConstructs survival matrix for use in applied data examples
experimentWPMethodSimulation study function
gam_iterateRun the p-Wasserstein projections for the GAM example
get_binary_nonlinear_modelGet the binary nonlinear data simulation
get_normal_linear_modelGet the Gaussian linear data simulation
log_sum_expsafely sums values on the exp scale from the log scale
log_sum_exp2logged sum of exponentiated variables
plot.comparePlot to compare WpProj outputs
pois_datConstructs Poisson data for use in Survival models
ericdunipace/SLIMpaper documentation built on Jan. 9, 2025, 6:31 p.m.