Man pages for fakenmc/micompr
Multivariate Independent Comparison of Observations

assumptionsParametric tests assumptions
assumptions.cmpoutputGet assumptions for parametric tests performed on output...
assumptions_manovaDetermine the assumptions for the MANOVA test
assumptions.micompGet assumptions for parametric tests performed on each...
assumptions_paruvDetermine the assumptions for the parametric comparison test
centerscaleCenter and scale vector
cmpoutputCompares output observations from two or more groups
concat_outputsConcatenate multiple outputs with multiple observations
grpoutputsLoad and group outputs from files
micompMultiple independent comparisons of observations
micompr-packagemicompr: Multivariate Independent Comparison of Observations
plot.assumptions_cmpoutputPlot _p_-values for testing the assumptions of the parametric...
plot.assumptions_manovaPlot _p_-values for testing the multivariate normality...
plot.assumptions_micompPlot _p_-values for testing the assumptions of the parametric...
plot.assumptions_paruvPlot _p_-values for testing the assumptions of the parametric...
plot.cmpoutputPlot comparison of an output
plotcolsDefault colors for plots in 'micomp' package
plot.grpoutputsPlot grouped outputs
plot.micompPlot projection of output observations on the first two...
pphpc_diffData from two implementations of the PPHPC model, one of...
pphpc_noshuffData from two implementations of the PPHPC model, one of...
pphpc_okData from two similar implementations of the PPHPC model
pphpc_testvloData for testing variable length outputs
print.assumptions_cmpoutputPrint method for the assumptions of parametric tests used in...
print.assumptions_manovaPrint information about the assumptions of the MANOVA test
print.assumptions_micompPrint information about the assumptions concerning the...
print.assumptions_paruvPrint information about the assumptions of the parametric...
print.cmpoutputPrint information about comparison of an output
print.grpoutputsPrint information about grouped outputs
print.micompPrint information about multiple comparisons of outputs
pstConcatenate strings without any separator characters
pvalcolAssociate colors to _p_-values
pvalfFormat p-values
pvalf.defaultDefault p-value formatting method
summary.assumptions_cmpoutputSummary method for the assumptions of parametric tests used...
summary.assumptions_micompSummary method for the assumptions of parametric tests used...
summary.cmpoutputSummary method for comparison of an output
summary.grpoutputsSummary method for grouped outputs
summary.micompSummary method for multiple comparisons of outputs
tikzscatSimple 'TikZ' scatter plot
toLatex.cmpoutputConvert 'cmpoutput' object to 'LaTeX' table
toLatex.micompConvert 'micomp' object to 'LaTeX' table
tscat_applyMultiple 'TikZ' 2D scatter plots for a list of output...
fakenmc/micompr documentation built on Aug. 6, 2024, 8:29 p.m.