Man pages for fdzul/boldenr
boldenr: a package designed to generate of Dengue Bulletin of Veracruz state

action_mapAction Map
animap_vector_clanimate maps of larvae control
cl_tableGenerate a larval control table
dendata_epichannelDengue cases by states for epidemiological channel.
den_epichanneldengue epidemiological channel
entomological_channelGenerate a Entomological Channel
epidemiological_channelGraph the epidemiological channel
heatmap_confirmadosHeatmap of dengue cases.
heatmap_jur_hospHeatmap of hospitalized cases
heatmap_jur_prob_confGenerate a heatmap of confirmed and probable cases by health...
heatmap_loc_prob_confGenerate of heatmap of confirmed or probables cases by...
hosp_jurHeatmap of hospitalized dengue cases
hot_blocksGenerate a map of hot blocks by city.
map_conf_stateGenerates a map of confirmed cases by municipalities
ovitraps_indicatorGenerate a graph of ovitraps indicator,
plot_arbovirosisPlot the probables and confirmed cases of arbovirosis of...
plot_state_serotypePlot the dengue cases by state and serotype
pyramid_plotGenerate a pyramid plot by health jurisdiction or state.
read_dataset_bolRead the dataset of Sinave o vector
risk_percentilCalculate the risk based in the percentils
tb_confGenerates a table of the cases confirmed by institution or...
tb_ulvUltra Low Volumen (ULV) table.
fdzul/boldenr documentation built on April 15, 2024, 10:22 p.m.