Man pages for fkeck/diatobc
Bioinformatic toolbox for my projects

aliviewAliView: DNA sequences viewer
cleanID8Clean Database IDs from sequence names
cleanTaxaClean taxonomic names
countBCCount similar barcodes
diatoms.seqDiatoms genetic sequences
diatoms.treeDiatoms Phylogeny
extendGraphClustExtend clusters to new species using a phylogenetic tree
insertBCInsert barcodes in an alignment
IPSP68Diatoms IPS-P68 index
jplaceExpandExpanded '.jplace' files.
mafft2Interface with MAFFT
one_seq_one_specKeep on sequence per species
pathd8Tree relative datation with PATHd8
raxmlBackboneRAxML phylogeny with backbone tree.
raxmlPartPartitions for RAxML
seaviewSeaView: DNA sequences and phylogenetic tree viewer
fkeck/diatobc documentation built on May 12, 2019, 7:18 p.m.