Man pages for flh3/MLMusingR
Practical Multilevel Modeling

cdata.exClustered dataset for centering example
engageStudent engagement dataset (complete data).
engage.missStudent engagement dataset (with missing data).
glance.CR2Glance at goodness-of-fit statistics
group_centerGroup-mean center a variable
group_meanComputes the group mean of a variable
hdpHospital, doctor, patient (hdp) dataset
HtestTest for homoskedasticity at level one
MatSqrtInverseCompute the inverse square root of a matrix
nmissAmount of missing data per variable
pipePipe operator
pisa2012USA data from PISA 2012
ri_test1Sample dataset 1 for testing the likelihood ratio test
ri_test2Sample dataset 2 for testing the likelihood ratio test (LRT)
robust_mixedCluster robust standard errors with degrees of freedom...
satdfCompute Satterthwaite degrees of freedom
sch29Data from 29 schools (based on the NELS dataset) used for...
suspendSuspension data from Virginia
thaiThai data from PISA
thai.smThai data from PISA (reduced)
tidy.CR2Tidy a CR2 object
wideWide dataset to be used for growth modeling
flh3/MLMusingR documentation built on Jan. 29, 2024, 6:46 p.m.