Man pages for forestgeo/allodb
Tree Biomass Estimation at Extra-Tropical Forest Plots

allodb-packageallodb: Tree Biomass Estimation at Extra-Tropical Forest...
equationsTables of allometric equations and associated metadata
est_paramsCalibrate new allometric equations
genus_familyGenus and family table for selected ForestGEO sites
get_biomassCompute tree aboveground biomass (AGB) based on allometric...
gymno_genusGymnosperms identified in selected ForestGEO sites
illustrate_allodbIllustrate the resampling of AGB values used in _allodb_
koppenMatrixKoppen climate classification matrix
missing_valuesExplanations of missing values codes
new_equationsModify the original equation table
referencesEquation references and associated metadata
resample_agbResample _allodb_ equations to calibrate new allometries
scbi_stem1Tree census data from SCBI ForestGEO plot
shrub_speciesShrub species identified in selected ForestGEO sites
sites_infoForestGEO sites used in allodb
sitespeciesSites and tree species used in allodb and associated metadata
weight_allomAttribute weights to equations
forestgeo/allodb documentation built on Oct. 25, 2021, 9:33 p.m.