Man pages for fspetale/fgga
Hierarchical ensemble method based on factor graph

CfDataA set of characterized protein coding genes from the Cannis...
createFoldsData splitting function useful for binary classification...
fggaFactor Graph Cross-Ontology Annotation model
fgga2bipartiteForney Factor Graph model
fgga-packageFGGA: Factor Graph Gene ontology Annotation.
fMeasureIndividual and hierarchical F-measures
maxDistancegraphOntoMaximum distance for a graph
preCoreFGTransitive closure processing of a cross-ontology DAG
sumProductMessage passing algorithm between nodes of the Forney Factor...
svmOntoOntology-term predictions by binary SVM classifiers
svmTrainBinary SVM classification models for individual Ontology-term...
tableTPGValid configurations for hidden variable nodes in a Forney...
varianceOntoThe variance of the gaussian learning noise at individual...
fspetale/fgga documentation built on Jan. 29, 2024, 6:53 p.m.