Man pages for gelfondjal/IT2
Tracks and manages dependencies for R project

Check.file.hashChecks the consistency of the dependency directory with the...
Condense.file.infoGenerate condensed information about files from dependency...
Create.file.infoCreates a list containing information about a file
create.source.file.dirCreate source file directories
dependency-classDependency class
DigestDigest files from (digest package)
finalize.dependency.siWrites dependency data to file in "Dependency" directory dependency data to file in "Dependency" directory
Get.file.infoRetrieve the file info for the file by name OR from the data...
get.fs.timeRetrun time of file system
get_orchardReturns the primary hub file with project location and id...
get.project.dependency.dbGet project dependency database
get.project.infoAcquire all dependencies related to a project, Generate graph... source_info object, retrieves project information
get.project.pathGiven Project name, Return project directory
get.project.swap.directoryRetrieve project swap directory
git.addgit add to stage the file
git.commitgit commit
git.configureConfigure and email for git
git.configure.testChecks git configuration
git.history.searchPerformes git history search
git.infoRetrieves the information from git about a file
git.initInitiate git
git_pathFind path for git executable
graft.branchCopy dependent programs from swap directory into Program...
GraphWrite object and capture file information function for reading common file types
guess.write.fcnReturn function for writing common file types
Harvest.treesCollect trees from dependency directory
ID.syncReturns the source files needed to repair synchrony
initialize.dependency.infoInitializes dependency object source_info
LoadLoads a single R object from file
Load.branchLoads a single R object from file
load.install.library.fileLoads librarys within the file library.list.file
load.source.directoryRuns all source files within the directory
Make.dependency.graph.objCreates an graph object from a dependency object
make.hyperlinkMakes HTML hyper link
Make.summary.graphMake.summary graph of projects based on files in dependency...
Make.summary.graph.siReturns summary graph of dependencies given source_info...
Match.file.hashMatches hash of target file to target file in dependency tree
Match.file.hash.historyMatches hash of target file to target file in depenency tree
mystarStar function for igraph plotting
path.expand.2Swap / for \ in path expand
plant.orchardCreate project hub files in root directory
plant.treeinitialize project
Plot.biggraph.horizontalGenerates plot of large number of dependencies in relatively...
plot.biggraph.horizontal.siGenerates plot of large number of dependencies in relatively... program io table directory tree structure contains the relative...
project.reportMake plot of network within html documents. Summarize all...
project_reporterMake plot of network within html documents. Summarize all...
project_reporter_panderMake plot of network within html documents. Summarize all...
project_reporter_pander_0Make plot of network within html documents. Summarize all...
project_report_sendMake plot of network within html documents. Summarize all...
pull_source_infoCreate source_info from
ReadRead data and capture the file information within dependency...
Read.capRead data and capture the file information within dependency...
read.dependencyRead the dependcy data from file
Render_RmdRenders and Rmarkdown file
rework.project.pathCollects all trees in dependency.dir and changes the project...
send.branchCopy dependent programs to swap directory
send.branch.siCopy dependent programs to swap directory
shinyTreeLaunches shiny app
source.sync.siSynchronize project by running necessary R scripts
source_sync_si_loadSynchronize project by IDENTIFYING necessary R scripts
sprout.programGenerates the shell of a code that is project specific
swap.project.pathsTake list of dependency file data and changes the project...
Sync.testcheck the synchrony of source files and their created objects
Sync.test.piTests the synchrony of files in dependency tree
sync.test.siTests the synchrony of files in dependency tree
WriteWrite object and capture file information
Write.capWrite data and capture the file information within dependency...
write.dependencyWrite the dependcy object to file
gelfondjal/IT2 documentation built on May 17, 2019, 12:15 a.m.