Man pages for gibonet/cuber
Tools to Create Data Cubes

apply_Apply a list of function calls to a data frame and return the...
apply_df_Apply a list of function calls to a data frame and return the...
apply_to_df_Put the results of 'apply_' in a data frame
combn_charGenerate all combinations of the elements of a character...
cube_Create a data cube and store it in a list
cube_df_Create a data cube and store it in a data frame
cuber-packagecuber: Tools to Create Data Cubes
cube_to_df_Put the results of a data cube in a data frame
cube_vars_Create a (partial) data cube and store it in a list
cube_vars_df_Create a (partial) data cube and store it in a data frame
invented_wagesInvented dataset with wages of men and women.
res2dfPut the results of 'split_apply_' in a data frame
split_Split a data frame in groups based on variables
split_apply_Apply a list of function calls to groups of a data frame
split_apply_df_Apply a list of function calls to groups of a data frame
gibonet/cuber documentation built on Dec. 24, 2024, 5:17 p.m.