Man pages for giocomai/latlon2map
Facilitates matching lat/lon data with administrative units and other geographic shapes

ll_appRun the Shiny Application
ll_bboxProvide a bounding box with a consistent, user given ratio
ll_create_foldersCreate folders to store geographic data
ll_export_sf_to_kmlExport sf objects into kml file that can be used with Google...
ll_find_fileFind file names. Mostly used internally
ll_find_pop_centreFind the population-weighted centre of a municipality
ll_get_adm_ochaGet administrative boundary lines from OCHA database
ll_get_electoral_districts_itGet Italian electoral districts (CC-BY Istat)
ll_get_gadmGet administrative boundaries
ll_get_lau_euGets local administrative units from Eurostat's website
ll_get_lau_nuts_concordanceGets correspondence tables between local administrative units...
ll_get_lau_ptRegions and provinces in Italy (high detail, CC-BY Istat)
ll_get_nuts_euGets NUTS as sf object from Eurostat's website
ll_get_nuts_itRegions and provinces in Italy (high detail, CC-BY Istat)
ll_get_nuts_usGet US counties
ll_get_population_gridGet EU 1km population grid
ll_get_population_grid_hrGet High Resolution Population Density Maps + Demographic...
ll_get_worldGet countries as an sf object
ll_matchMatches a data frame with longitude and latitude to an sf...
ll_osm_countriesCountries and geographic entities for which shapefiles are...
ll_osm_downloadDownload OSM data for whole countries from Geofabrik.
ll_osm_download_itDownload OSM data in geopackage format for regions,...
ll_osm_extract_itExtract OSM data for regions, provinces, and municipalities...
ll_osm_extract_roadsExtract from zip shape files of roads from previously...
ll_osm_get_lau_streetsGet all streets available in OpenStreetMap located in given...
ll_osm_get_nuts_streetsGet all streets available in OpenStreetMap located in given...
ll_osm_get_roadsExtract shape files of roads from previously downloaded
ll_osm_it_gpkgGeographic entities in Italy for which geopackage files are...
ll_set_folderSet folder for caching data
pipePipe operator
population_grid_hr_metadataA data frame with links to High Resolution Population Density...
giocomai/latlon2map documentation built on Aug. 4, 2023, 2:12 p.m.