Man pages for giocomai/networkedwebsitesdetector
A structured approach for finding networked websites

default_excluded_fb_adminsfb_admins ID to be excluded by default
default_excluded_fb_app_idfb_app_id ID to be excluded by default
default_excluded_uaua ID to be excluded by default
default_identifiersType of snippets used to identify networked websites
get_screenshotGet screenshots and place them in relevant subfolder
nwd_add_network_idAdd a network_id column to identifiers_df
nwd_adjust_folder_namesAdjusts file names of folders with single digits
nwd_adjust_folder_names_nestedAdjusts names of nested date folders
nwd_archiveArchive data in compressed files
nwd_check_if_existsCheck if corresponding information for a given domain exists...
nwd_clean_filesCheck if there are unusually small or unusually big files
nwd_create_domain_graph_all_connectionsCreate a graph of the network of one or more domains
nwd_download_from_googledriveDownload files archived in Google Drive
nwd_expand_urlsExtract links from tweets and expands shortened urls
nwd_extract_domainsExtract domain names from pre-processed tweets
nwd_extract_identifiersExtract identifiers from web pages
nwd_extract_identifiers_from_adsExtract identifiers from ads.txt files
nwd_extract_identifiers_from_backupExtract identifiers from backuped homepages
nwd_extract_keywordsExtract most frequently used words from news titles
nwd_extract_urls_from_tweetsExtract links from tweets and expands shortened urls
nwd_find_networkFind domains related to each across key identifiers
nwd_get_adsDownload ads.txt in relevant sub-folder.
nwd_get_emm_newsbriefGet current news in multiple languages from EMM newsbrief
nwd_get_homepageDownload homepages by url in relevant sub-folder.
nwd_get_tweetsSearches keywords on Twitter.
nwd_legacy_extract_domains_from_tweetsExtract domain names from tweets
nwd_list_available_backupsList available backups
nwd_list_available_backups_on_google_driveList available backups on Google Drive
nwd_load_identifiers_dfLoad all identifiers_df
nwd_load_latest_identifiers_dfLoad latest identifiers_df
nwd_restoreRestore data from compressed files
nwd_show_networkCreate a graph of the network of one or more domains
nwd_upload_to_googledriveBackup archived files to googledrive
pipePipe operator
run_appRun the Shiny Application
giocomai/networkedwebsitesdetector documentation built on Jan. 22, 2021, 5:42 p.m.