Man pages for gmbecker/rigbLite
Control IGB From R

igbSession-classClass '"igbSession"'
igbTrack-classClass '"igbTrack"'
loadmodeGet the loadmode of an igbTrack
loadmode-setterSet loadmode of an igbTrack
region-setterSet the Viewing Region
showInIGBChange current view in IGB
snapshotTake a Snapshot in an External Genome Browser
snapshot-methodsTake a Snapshot in an External Genome Browser
trackList-setterDisplay Multiple Track in an External Genome Browser
uri-setterSet the URI value of an object
ViewInIGBManipulate Current View in IGB Session
ViewInIGB-methodsManipulate Current View in IGB Session
gmbecker/rigbLite documentation built on May 17, 2019, 6:44 a.m.