Man pages for gmteunisse/Fantaxtic
Fantaxtic - nested bar plots for phyloseq data

collapse_taxaSubset a phyloseq object to a set of taxa.
fantaxtic_bar-deprecatedGenerate a barplot of relative taxon abundances
fantaxtic-deprecatedDeprecated functions in package 'fantaxtic'.
gen_colors-deprecatedGenerate a color palette.
gen_palette-deprecatedGenerate a color palette.
gen_shades_tints-deprecatedGenerate shade and tint variants for a base color.
gen_uniq_lbls-deprecatedGenerate unique labels.
get_top_taxa-deprecatedGet the most abundant taxa from a phyloseq object
label_duplicate_taxaAdd unique labels to identical taxa
move_labelRelevel a factor in a psmelt dataframe
move_nested_labelsRelevel a nested factor in a psmelt dataframe
name_na_taxaName NA taxa
namep_taxa-deprecatedAdd names for missing taxon names in phyloseq objects
nested_top_taxaGet the most abundant taxa over two taxonomic levels
plot_nested_barPlot a nested bar plot
shuffle_colors-deprecatedReshuffle a list of colors.
taxon_coloursGenerate a colour for each taxon
top_taxaGet the most abundant taxa from a phyloseq object
gmteunisse/Fantaxtic documentation built on June 7, 2024, 8:47 a.m.