Man pages for gpiras/sphet
Estimation of Spatial Autoregressive Models with and without Heteroskedastic Innovations

circularGenerate circular weigthing matrices
coldisObject of class distance for Columbus dataset 10-nearest...
distanceDistance measures available in distance
gstslshetGM estimation of a Cliff-Ord type model with Heteroskedastic...
impacts.error_sphetGenerate impacts for objects of class error_sphet created in...
impacts.gstslsGenerate impacts for spreg lag and sarar models
impacts.ols_sphetGenerate impacts for objects of class ols_sphet created in...
impacts.stsls_sphetGenerate impacts for objects of class lag_gmm created in...
kpjtestKelejian and Piras J-test
listw2dgCMatrixInterface between Matrix class objects and weights list
print.sphetprint method for class sphet
print.summary.sphetprint method for class sphet
read.gwt2distRead distance ojbects
sphetEstimation of spatial models with heteroskedastic innovations
spregGM estimation of a Cliff-Ord type model with Heteroskedastic...
stslshacSpatial two stages least square with HAC standard errors
summary.sphetprint method for class sphet
utilitiesFunctions used by gstslshet.
gpiras/sphet documentation built on Aug. 11, 2024, 10:43 a.m.