Man pages for gregorp90/RStan-package-test
Copula-Based Factor Analysis

copulafa-packageThe 'copulafa' package.
EPL_dataEPL data
L_CFA_approxCompute approximate copula likelihood with normal marginals
LCK_dataLeague of Legends data
L_CNBFA_approxCompute approximate copula likelihood with negative binomial...
L_CPFA_approxCompute approximate copula likelihood with Poisson marginals
likelihood_clCalculate the likelihood for the FA and gFA models
my_dmvnCalculate the density
my_omxMnorCalculate the integrated density
NBA_dataNBA data
NFL_dataNFL data
pred_CFAPredict from CFA model
pred_CNBFA1Predict from CNBFA1 model
pred_CNBFA2Predict from CNBFA2 model
pred_CPFAPredict from CPFA model
pred_FAPredict from FA model
pred_gFAPredict from grouped FA model
pred_iPoissPredict from an independent Poisson model
pred_NBFA1Predict from NBFA1 model
pred_NBFA2Predict from NBFA2 model
pred_PFAPredict from PFA model
test_CFAPredict from CFA model
test_CNBFA1Predict from NBFA1 model
test_CNBFA2Predict from NBFA2 model
test_FAPredict from FA model
test_gFAPredict from grouped FA model
test_NBFA1Predict from NBFA1 model
test_NBFA2Predict from NBFA2 model
test_PFAPredict from PFA model
train_CFATrain a copula FA model
train_CNBFA1Train a copula NBFA1 model
train_CNBFA2Train a copula NBFA2 model
train_CPFATrain a copula PFA model
train_FATrain a factor analysis model
train_gFATrain a grouped factor analysis model
train_iPoissTrain an independent Poisson model
train_NBFA1Train a negative binomial factor analysis model
train_NBFA2Train a negative binomial factor analysis model
train_PFATrain a Poisson factor analysis model
gregorp90/RStan-package-test documentation built on May 26, 2019, 1:32 a.m.