Man pages for greta-dev/greta
Simple and Scalable Statistical Modelling in R

are_nullVectorised is.null
as_dataconvert other objects to greta arrays
as.greta_modelConvert object to a "greta_model" object
as.unknownsCreate objects of class 'unknowns' to nicely print ? valued...
calculatecalculate greta arrays given fixed values
chol2symmCholesky Factor to Symmetric Matrix
chol.greta_arrayCompute the Cholesky Factor of a Matrix
destroy_greta_depsRemove greta dependencies and remove miniconda
dim.nodegeneric to grab dimensions of nodes
dim-set-.unknownsset dims like on a matrix/array
distributiondefine a distribution over data
distributionsprobability distributions
extract-replace-combineextract, replace and combine greta arrays
functionsfunctions for greta arrays
gpu_cpuSet GPU or CPU usage
gretagreta: simple and scalable statistical modelling in R
greta_create_conda_envCreate conda environment for greta
greta_deps_receiptCapture greta python dependencies.
greta_deps_specSpecify python dependencies for greta
greta_deps_tf_tfpSuggested valid Python dependencies for greta
greta_install_minicondaInstalls miniconda
greta_set_install_logfileSet logfile path when installing greta
greta_sitrepGreta Situation Report
inferenceStatistical inference on greta models.
install_greta_depsInstall Python dependencies for greta
internalsinternal greta methods
is.greta_arrayIs object a greta array?
is.greta_mcmc_listIs object a 'greta_mcmc_list'?
jointdefine joint distributions
mixturemixtures of probability distributions
modelgreta model objects
open_greta_install_logRead a greta logfile
operatorsarithmetic, logical and relational operators for greta arrays
optimisersoptimisation methods
overloadedFunctions overloaded by greta
print.greta_deps_specPrint method for greta python deps
print.greta_mcmc_listPrint method for greta MCMC list
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
reinstallersHelpers to remove, and reinstall python environments and...
run_optimiserDispatch optimisation method to right class
samplersMCMC samplers
simulate.greta_modelSimulate Responses From 'greta_model' Object
stash-notesRetrieve python messages.
structurescreate data greta arrays
transformstransformation functions for greta arrays
variablecreate greta variables
write_greta_install_logWrite greta dependency installation log file
greta-dev/greta documentation built on Jan. 31, 2025, 1:01 a.m.