Man pages for hafen/operator
Loess and STL operator matrix computation for time series

anova.opANOVA for objects of class '"op"'
cpCalculate Mallows Cp Statistic for Linear Operator
freqrFrequency response calculation for STL decomposition
freqrloFrequency response calculation for loess (or general)...
loessOpLoess operator matrix calculation
opVarCompute sum of squared values in each row of operator matrix
plot.freqrPlot power transfer function of objects of class '"freqr"'
plotOpA "heat map" plot of the operator matrix
plotVarPlot of the variance factor of the loess or stl fits at each...
predict.opObtain predicted values for a given operator matrix and data...
respsimSimulated daily emergency department respiratory chief...
stlOpCalculate operator matrices for the STL decomposition
hafen/operator documentation built on May 17, 2019, 2:23 p.m.