Man pages for haleyjeppson/ggmosaic
Mosaic Plots in the 'ggplot2' Framework

ddeckerTemplate for a double decker plot. A double decker plot is...
flyFlying Etiquette Survey Data
geom_mosaicMosaic plots.
GeomMosaicGeom proto
geom_mosaic_jitterJittered dots in Mosaic plots.
GeomMosaicJitterGeom proto
geom_mosaic_textLabeling for Mosaic plots.
GeomMosaicTextGeom proto
ggmosaic_appLaunch shiny app
ggmosaic-packageggmosaic: Mosaic Plots in the 'ggplot2' Framework
happyData related to happiness from the general social survey.
hbarHorizontal bar partition: width constant, height varies.
hspineHorizontal spine partition: height constant, width varies.
mosaicTemplate for a mosaic plot. A mosaic plot is composed of...
prodcalcCalculate frequencies.
productWrapper for a list
scale_type.productlistHelper function for determining scales
scale_x_productlistDetermining scales for mosaics
spineSpine partition: divide longest dimension.
squeezeInternal helper function
StatMosaicGeom proto
StatMosaicJitterGeom proto
StatMosaicTextGeom proto
theme_mosaicTheme for mosaic plots
titanicPassengers and crew on board the Titanic
vbarVertical bar partition: height constant, width varies.
vspineVertical spine partition: width constant, height varies.
haleyjeppson/ggmosaic documentation built on Oct. 11, 2024, 4:03 a.m.