Man pages for hannahlowens/occCite
Querying and Managing Large Biodiversity Occurrence Datasets

GBIFLogin-classGBIFLogin Data Class
GBIFLoginManagerGBIF Login Manager
getBIENpointsDownload occurrence points from BIEN
getGBIFpointsDownload occurrences from GBIF
myOccCiteObjectResults of an occCite search for *Protea cynaroides*
occCitationOccurrence Citations
occCiteCitation-classoccCite Citation Class
occCiteData-classoccCite Data Class
occCiteMapGenerating a map of downloaded points
occQueryQuery from Taxon List
plot.occCiteDataPlotting summary figures for occCite search results
prevGBIFdownloadDownload previously-prepared GBIF data sets
print.occCiteCitationPrint occCite citation object
studyTaxonListStudy Taxon List
summary.occCiteDataSummary for occCite data objects
taxonRectificationTaxon Rectification
hannahlowens/occCite documentation built on Oct. 18, 2024, 1:18 a.m.