Man pages for harrig12/pointszr
Point Resizing for Volcano Plots

fileToDESeq2'fileToDESeq2' this function is for developer use only, with...
getPlotLims'getPlotLims' Get the plot limits of a volcano plot for the...
lseq'lseq' output a sequence of logarithmically spaced numbers.
overlay'overlay' create a layer on an existing volcano plot
resizeGenes'resizeGenes' resize select subsets of genes plotted from a...
runPointszrApp'runPointszrApp' launch the shiny app distributed with this...
simDDSsimDDS data
szPreview'szPreview' Display what a list of point sizes looks like...
vplot'vplot' create a volcano plot
harrig12/pointszr documentation built on April 10, 2020, 10:45 p.m.