Man pages for hdshea/MIMIC4db
Package for building, loading and referencing the Google BigQuery verion of the MIMIC-IV

m4_admissionsAccess unique hospitalizations for patients in the database
m4_charteventsAccess charted items occurring during the ICU stay
m4_chartevents_itemsAccess chartevents items reference
m4_datetimeeventsAccess documented information which is in a date format (e.g....
m4_datetimeevents_itemsAccess datetimeevents items reference
m4_d_hcpcsAccess dimension table for hcpcsevents; provides a...
m4_diagnosesAccess billed ICD-9/ICD-10 diagnoses for hospitalizations
m4_d_icd_diagnosesAccess dimension table for diagnoses_icd; provides a...
m4_d_icd_proceduresAccess dimension table for procedures_icd; provides a...
m4_d_itemsAccess dimension table describing itemid
m4_d_labitemsAccess dimension table for labevents; provides a description...
m4_drgcodesAccess billed DRG codes for hospitalizations
m4_emarAccess Electronic Medicine Administration Records (eMAR)
m4_emar_detailAccess supplementary information for electronic...
m4_get_from_tableSimple generic SELECT * wrapper for extracting data from base...
m4_hcpcseventsAccess billed events occurring during the hospitalization;...
m4_icustaysAccess tracking information for ICU stays including...
m4_inputeventsAccess information documented regarding continuous infusions...
m4_inputevents_itemsAccess inputevents items reference
m4_labeventsAccess laboratory measurements sourced from patient derived...
m4_meta_dataEncapsulated meta data for MIMIC IV tables
m4_microbiologyeventsAccess microbiology cultures
m4_outputeventsAccess information regarding patient outputs including urine,...
m4_outputevents_itemsAccess outputevents items reference
m4_patient_admissionsAccess combined patient and admissions data.
m4_patient_icustaysAccess combined patient, admission and icu stay data.
m4_patientsAccess unique patients in the database
m4_pharmacyAccess formulary, dosing, and other information for...
m4_poeAccess orders made by providers relating to patient care
m4_poe_detailAccess supplementary information for orders made by providers...
m4_prescriptionsAccess prescribed medications
m4_procedureeventsAccess procedures documented during the ICU stay
m4_procedureevents_itemsAccess procedureevents items reference
m4_proceduresAccess billed procedures for patients during their hospital...
m4_select_dataBasic SELECT statement wrapper returning results in a tibble
m4_service_decsriptionsEncapsulated descriptive data for services
m4_servicesAccess the hospital service(s) which cared for the patient...
m4_transfersAccess patient movement from bed to bed within the hospital,...
MIMIC4db-packageMIMIC4db: Package for building, loading and referencing the...
hdshea/MIMIC4db documentation built on Dec. 20, 2021, 3:45 p.m.