Man pages for hughesevoanth/glsmr
GAM and linear stratified observational and MR estimates of exposure on outcome

cluster_profilesK-means Clustering of OUtcome on Exposure profiles
gamfitGeneralized additive model fitting
gam_predictGeneralized additive model fitting
glsmrGAM and linear-strata Mendelian randomization
id_outliersIdentify outliers using mean and SD or median and...
iv_estimateslinear model fitting to estimate the instrument on dependent...
iv_free_exposurelinear model fitting to estimate exposure values in the...
iv_predicted_exposurelinear model fitting to estimate the instrument predicted...
ivregfitMR (ivreg) model fitting
lmfitlinear model fitting
meta_testFixed effect meta analysis, heterogenity, and modulator tests...
non_linear_testTest if a non-linear model is a better fit to the data than a...
normWEstimate shapiro-wilk's W statistic for normality
obs_modelinglinear and non-linear (GAM) observational modeling
plot_cluster_profilesPlot the outcome exposure profiles derived from the function...
plot_glsmrPlot functions for glsmr objects
rntransformrank normal tranformation of a vector
stratify_datastratify data
stratify_ivratioestimates the causal effect estimate or beta_iv for strata
stratify_ivregfitruns ivregfit() on output of stratify_data()
stratify_lmfitruns lmfit() on output of stratify_data()
stratify_sumstatssummary statistics for the exposure within each strata
hughesevoanth/glsmr documentation built on May 14, 2023, 3:41 p.m.