Man pages for icejean/gaodemap
A package for spatial visualization with GaoDe map

changeZoomChange the zoom seting of a ggmap object.
geoconvConvert geocode Take in geocode from the other source to...
getCoordinateGet coordiante from address. Take in address and return the...
getGaoDeMapGet static map from GaoDe API
getLocationGet location from coordinate Take in coordiantes and return...
getPlaceGet place from query Take in query and city, return the...
getRegionCoordinatesGet edge coordinates of a given district. Take in a district...
getRouteGet route from query Take in a original location and...
url_characterTransform the query character to raw character Take in query...
icejean/gaodemap documentation built on Nov. 4, 2019, 1:53 p.m.