Man pages for icr-ctl/animl
A Collection of ML Tools for Conservation Research

applyPredictionsApply Classifier Predictions and Merge DataFrames
bestGuessSelect Best Classification From Multiple Frames
buildFileManifestExtract exif Data and Create File Manifest
checkFileCheck for files existence and prompt user if they want to...
convertCoordinatesConvert bbox from Relative to Absolute Coordinates
cropImageGeneratorTensorflow data generator that crops images to bounding box.
cropImagesCrops all images from an input file with specific required...
cropImageTrainGeneratorTensorflow data generator for training that crops images to...
detectObjectRun MD on a Single Image
detectObjectBatchRun MegaDetector on a batch of images
extractBoxesExtract bounding boxes and save as new image from a batch of...
extractBoxesFromFlatExtract crops from a single image represented by a processed...
extractBoxesFromMDExtract bounding boxes for a single image and save as new...
getAnimalsReturn a dataframe of only MD animals
getEmptyReturn MD empty, vehicle and human images in a dataframe
imageAugmentationColorPerform image augmentation through random color adjustments...
imageAugmentationGeometryPerform random geometric transformations on an image.
ImageGeneratorTensorflow data generator that resizes images.
ImageGeneratorSizeTensorflow data generator that resizes images and returns...
imageLabelLoad image and return a tensor with an image and a...
imageLabelCropLoad image, crop and return a tensor with an image and a...
imagesFromVideosExtract frames from video for classification
loadDataLoad .csv or .Rdata file
loadImageLoad an image and return the full size image as an image...
loadImageResizeLoad and resize an image and return an image tensor.
loadImageResizeCropLoad, resize and crop an image and return an image tensor.
loadImageResizeSizeLoad and resize an image and return an image tensor as well...
loadMDModelLoad MegaDetector model file from directory or file
parseMDparse MD results into a simple dataframe
parseMDjsonconverte the JSON file produced bye the Python version of...
pipePipe operator
plotBoxesPlot bounding boxes on image from md results
predictSpeciesClassifies Crops Using Specified Models
processYOLO5Process YOLO5 output and convert to MD format
resizePadResize an image with padding
saveDataSave Data to Given File
sequenceClassificationLeverage sequences to classify images
setupDirectorySet Working Directory and Save File Global Variables
setupEnvSetup Conda Environment
symlinkMDCreate SymLink Directories and Sort Classified Images Based...
symlinkSpeciesCreate SymLink Directories and Sort Classified Images
symUnlinkRemove Symlinks
testMDSelect a Random Image and Run Through MegaDetector
icr-ctl/animl documentation built on July 15, 2024, 7:24 p.m.