Man pages for ihmeuw-demographics/demCore
Core Functions for Demography

agg_ltAggregate life table(s) to less granular age groups
agg_tfCalculate total fertility aggregates
austria_1992_ltExample life table: Austria, 1992, males
burkina_fasoBurkina Faso example population data and ccmpp initial...
calc_nqx_brassEstimate child mortality from sbh information
calculate_nrrCalculate Net Reproductive Rate (NRR)
ccmppCohort Component Method of Population Projection (CCMPP)
check_mx_ax_qxCheck two of mx, ax, qx
determine_age_intHelper function to identify unique age interval for input...
dt_matrix_formatConvert between demographic data stored in data.table and...
full_lt_parsRegression parameters for abridged to full life table...
gen_lifetable_parametersGenerate life table parameters
gen_lx_from_nLx_axGenerate the lx life table parameter given nLx and ax.
gen_nLx_from_nSxGenerate nLx life table parameter from survivorship ratios
gen_u5_ax_from_mxGenerate ax for ages under 5 years, from mx
gen_u5_ax_from_qxGenerate ax for ages under 5 years, from qx
iterate_axAx iteration method from dx
leslie_matrixMake Leslie matrix
lifetableGenerate a life table with all parameters
lx_from_lxpn_nLx_axHelper function to back calculate lx for one age group
mx_qx_ax_conversionsConvert between mx, qx, and ax values
nSx_from_lx_nLx_TxCalculate survivorship ratios
sbh_dataExample children ever born and surviving data from a Panama...
scale_qxScale qx values over age
solve_u5_ax_from_qxHelper solve function for 'gen_u5_ax_from_qx'
summarize_ltCalculate summary statistics for life tables
thailandThailand example population data and ccmpp initial estimates
validate_ccmpp_inputsValidate the ccmpp input arguments
validate_gen_u5_axHelper for 'gen_u5_ax' validations
validate_lifetableValidate life table
zero_u5_ax_from_qxHelper objective function for 'gen_u5_ax_from_qx'
ihmeuw-demographics/demCore documentation built on Feb. 24, 2024, 11:05 p.m.