Man pages for ikwak2/funqtl
QTL Mapping for Function-Valued Traits

addqtlFSearch for Multiple QTL model
calcfunpcaDo dimensional reduction using functional pca.
calcpcaDo dimensional reduction using pca.
cvfoldDo cross validation to decide the number of basis function to...
exdAn example data set
geteffectsEstimate QTL effects
getprofileMake a profile LOD score matrix for a given multiple QTL...
plotlodPlot signed or plain LOD image.
plotprofilePlot profile LOD matrix.
refineqtlFRefine the positions of QTL for function valued trait
refineqtlMRefine the positions of QTL for function valued trait
scanoneFGenome scan with a single QTL model
scanoneMQTL scan using dimensional reduction.
scantwoFTwo-dimensional genome scan with a two-QTL model for function...
simspalAn example data set
stepwiseqtlFStepwise selection for multiple QTL in function valued trait...
stepwiseqtlMStepwise selection for multiple QTL in function valued trait...
ikwak2/funqtl documentation built on April 20, 2022, 3:58 a.m.