Man pages for iml-assess/catchR
Analyse catch data and get catch-at-age matrices

armatrix.cvsPlot cvs used in armatrix model
armatrix.effectsPlot effect sizes
armatrix.fitModel to smooth and fill in year*age matrix
armatrix.predPlot predicted armatrix model
armatrix.predobsPlot predicted and observed armatrix model
armatrix.resPlot residuals armatrix model
armatrix.res2Plot residuals armatrix model (dotplots)
armatrix.waaPlot waa from armatrix model
cohortSimple cohort strength calculation based on catch-at-age
correct.weightspecies specific correction of weight in function of fish...
find.samplesFind samples
find.speciesfind species (the code or name used in a certain database)
fit.lwfit log length-weight relationship by year or period
get.caaGet catch-at-age results
get.calGet catch-at-length results
get.idget sample id
get.samplesFor each catch stratum, attach corresponding length-frequency...
logLik.armatrixLog likelihood of armatrix object
multinom_fillFill gaps in age-length keys
outlierIdentify outliers based on the interquantile range
plotCatchbarplot for catches
print.armatrixPrint armatrix object
read.bioReads biological data
read.lfReads length-frequency data from dockside monitoring.
read.nafoARead NAFO 21A database data stored in a .csv file
read.nafoBRead NAFO 21B data
read.ziffread ZIFF files
roundFishRoudn to the nearest x cam
spayStandardized proportions at year
spyaStandardized proportions at age
theme_codggplot theme for cod
theme_mackerelggplot theme for mackerel
iml-assess/catchR documentation built on Nov. 27, 2022, 7:35 p.m.