Man pages for int-salmon-data-lab/statusAndTrends
Utilities to Load and Analyze Data from the Salmon Status and Trends Workshop

read_biomass_st1Summary Table 1 'Natural-origin Pink Salmon' as a tibble.
read_biomass_st2Summary Table 2 'Natural-origin Chum Salmon' as a tibble.
read_biomass_st3Summary Table 3 'Natural-origin Sockeye Salmon' as a tibble.
read_biomass_st4Summary Table 4 'Total natural-origin salmon' as a tibble.
read_biomass_summary_tableSummary Table as a tibble from the biomass spreadsheet.
int-salmon-data-lab/statusAndTrends documentation built on May 29, 2019, 1:23 p.m.