Man pages for izhbannikov/rqt.bk
rqt: utilities for gene-level meta-analysis

build.null.modelApplies linear of logistic regregression to the data.
get.aGet a given STT
preprocessPreprocess input data with Principal Component Analysis...
rqt-classThe rqt class
rqt-covariatesThis function performs an access to covariates
rqt-generalGeneral functions of 'rqt' such as accessors and printing.
rqt-geneTestThis function performs a gene-level test based on combined...
rqt-geneTestMetaThis function performs a gene-level meta-analysis based on...
rqt-genotypeThis function performs an access to genotype.
rqt-methodsThe rqt class constructor
rqt-phenotypeThis function performs an access to phenotype
rqt-resultsThis function performs an access to covariates
simple.multvar.regApplies linear of logistic regregression to the data.
vcov_ridgevcov_ridge: returns variance-covariance matrix and standard...
izhbannikov/rqt.bk documentation built on May 5, 2019, 6:58 p.m.