Man pages for jabenninghoff/jbplot
A Personal Collection of ggplot2 Themes

annotate_quoAnnotate using quo theme font
differently_palettesSecurity Differently Palettes
geom_hist_bwBlack and white histogram
geom_lmLinear smoothing
geom_rlmRobust linear smoothing
ggplot_donutCreate a ggplot Donut (Doughnut) Plot
ggplot_donut_percentCreate a Donut Percentage Plot
jbplot-packagejbplot: A Personal Collection of ggplot2 Themes
pal_differentlySecurity Differently palette
scale_differentlySecurity Differently color scales
theme_quoQuo Theme
jabenninghoff/jbplot documentation built on Jan. 31, 2025, 7:50 a.m.