Man pages for jackmwolf/pcsstools
Tools for Regression Using Pre-Computed Summary Statistics

anova.pcsslmANOVA for linear models fit using PCSS
approx_andApproximate a linear model for a series of logical AND...
approx_conditionalApproximate the mean of Y conditional on X
approx_mult_prodApproximate the covariance of a set of predictors and a...
approx_orApproximate a linear model for a series of logical OR...
approx_prod_statsApproximate summary statistics for a product of phenotypes...
approx_response_cov_recursiveApproximate the covariance of one response with an arbitrary...
calculate_lmCalculate a linear model using PCSS
calculate_lm_comboCalculate a linear model for a linear combination of...
check_termsCheck that independent and dependent variables are accounted...
extract_predictorsExtract independent variables from a formula
extract_responseExtract dependent variables from a formula as a string
get_pcorApproximate the partial correlation of Y and Z given X
guess_responseGuess the function that is applied to a set of responses
make_permutationsList all permutations of a sequence of integers
model_andApproximate a linear model for a series of logical AND...
model_comboModel a linear combination of a set of phenotypes using PCSS
model_orApproximate a linear model for a series of logical OR...
model_prcompModel the principal component score of a set of phenotypes...
model_productApproximate a linear model for a product using PCSS
model_singularModel an individual phenotype using PCSS
new_predictorCreate an object of class "predictor"
new_predictor_binaryShortcut to create a predictor object for a binary variable
new_predictor_normalShortcut to create a predictor object for a continuous...
new_predictor_snpShortcut to create a predictor object for a SNP's minor...
pcsslmApproximate a linear model using PCSS
pcsstools_exampleSimulated example data
print.pcsslmPrint an object of class pcsslm
jackmwolf/pcsstools documentation built on July 7, 2024, 7:46 p.m.