Man pages for jadahlke/hlmer
HLM7-Style Output from LME4 Analyses

center_dataGenerate centered versions of all variables in a data set.
center_withinCenter a vector of numeric values using cluster means.
chisq_hlmerChi-square estimates for random-effects variances
cluster_meansObtain cluster means from a numeric vector.
create_regeqCreate mixed-effects regression formula from multi-level...
hlmerlmer wrapper to produce HLM7-style output
hlmer2lmer wrapper to produce HLM7-style output from multi-level...
hsbLevel-1 and level-2 data from the High School and Beyond...
hsb1Level-1 data from the High School and Beyond Survey
hsb2Level-2 data from the High School and Beyond Survey
print.hlmerPrint method for hlmer-class objects
print.hlmer.hlmerModPrint method for hlmerMod-class objects
rel_lvl1Estimate the reliability of random effects
se_lvl1Estimate level-1 standard errors for random effects
timssData from the TIMSS study
jadahlke/hlmer documentation built on May 31, 2019, 8:43 a.m.