Man pages for jaegea/MEIGOR
MEIGOR - MEtaheuristics for bIoinformatics Global Optimization

CeSSRGlobal optimization algorithm for MINLPs based on Scatter...
CeVNSRGlobal optimization algorithm for MINLPs based on VNS using a...
cnolistA CNOlist from CellNOptR paclage
cnolist_cellnoptA CNOlist from CellNOptR paclage
cur_paramsCurrent values of all model parameters
dhcLocal search algorithm within eSS
essRGlobal optimization algorithm for MINLPs based on Scatter...
essR-MEIGORGlobal optimization algorithm for MINLPs based on Scatter...
essR_multistartMultistart function for eSS
eucl_distComputes the euclidean distance between the rows of two...
ith_essRAuxiliary function to perform parallel runs
ith_VNSRAuxiliary function to perform parallel runs
MEIGOMEIGO main function
MEIGOR-packageGlobal optimization Toolbox
modelA model from CellNoptR
model_cellnoptA model from CellNoptR
nls_fobjAuxiliary function to evaluate constraints
optim_fobjGateway function to evaluate the objective function when the...
paramsOptOptimal parameters for simulation with CNORode
runBayesFitRunning the BayesFit optimisation
rvnds_hammingMain VNS function
rvnds_localLocal search in VNS
solnp_eqGateway function to evaluate the equality constraints when...
solnp_fobjGateway function to evaluate the objective function when...
solnp_ineqGateway function to evaluate the inequality constraints when...
ssm_beyondFunction that expands the search direction when a good...
ssm_defaultsSets the default options for eSSR
ssm_evalfcGateway function to evaluate the objective function in essR
ssm_isdif2Calculates relative errors between two vectors
ssm_localsolverConfigure local solver
ssm_optsetAssigns values to the options defined by the user
ssm_penalty_functionCalculates the penalized objective function in constrained...
ssm_round_intRounds variables declared as integer of binary
vns_defaultsDefault options for VNS
vns_optsetSet VNS options
jaegea/MEIGOR documentation built on April 8, 2024, 9:36 a.m.