Man pages for jbkunst/highcharter
A Wrapper for the 'Highcharts' Library

citytempCity temperatures from a year in wide format
citytemp_longCity temperatures from a year in long format
color_classesFunction to create 'dataClasses' argument in 'hc_colorAxis'
colorizeCreate vector of color from vector
color_stopsFunction to create 'stops' argument in 'hc_colorAxis'
data_to_boxplotHelper to transform data frame for boxplot highcharts format
data_to_hierarchicalHelper to transform data frame for treemap/sunburst...
data_to_sankeyHelper to transform data frame for sankey highcharts format
datetime_to_timestampDate to timestamps
df_to_annotations_labelsFunction to create annotations arguments from a data frame
download_map_dataHelper function to download the map data form a url
export_hcFunction to export js file the configuration options
favorite_barsMarshall's Favorite Bars
favorite_piesMarshall's Favorite Pies
get_data_from_mapHelper function to get the data inside the map data The urls...
get_hc_series_from_dfAuxiliar function to get series and options from tidy frame...
hc_add_annotationHelper to add annotations from data frame or list
hc_add_dependencyAdd modules or plugin dependencies to highcharts objects
hc_add_dependency_faHelpers functions to get FontAwesome icons code
hc_add_event_pointHelpers to use highcharter as input in shiny apps
hc_add_seriesAdding data to highchart objects
hc_add_series.characterhc_add_series for character and factor objects for data frames objects
hc_add_series.densityhc_add_series for density objects
hc_add_series.forecasthc_add_series for forecast objects
hc_add_series.geo_jsonhc_add_series for geo_json & geo_list objects
hc_add_series_listShortcut for data series from a list of data series
hc_add_series.lmhc_add_series for lm and loess objects
hc_add_series_mapAdd a map series
hc_add_series.numeric'hc_add_series' for numeric objects
hc_add_series.tshc_add_series for time series objects
hc_add_series.xtshc_add_series for xts objects
hc_add_themeAdd themes to a highchart object
hc_add_yAxisCreating multiples yAxis t use with highcharts
hcaesDefine aesthetic mappings. Similar in spirit to...
hcaes_stringDefine aesthetic mappings using strings. Similar in spirit to...
hc_annotationsAnnotations options for highcharter objects
hc_boostBoost options for highcharter objects
hcboxplotShortcut to make a boxplot
hc_captionCaption options for highcharter objects
hc_chartChart options for highcharter objects
hc_colorAxisColoraxis options for highcharter objects
hc_colorsColors options for highcharter objects
hc_creditsCredits options for highcharter objects
hc_drilldownDrilldown options for highcharter objects
hc_elementIdSetting 'elementId'
hc_exportingExporting options for highcharter objects
hchartCreate a highchart object from a particular data type
hchart.survfitPlot survival curves using Highcharts
hciconarrayShortcut to make icon arrays charts
hc_labelsLabels options for highcharter objects
hc_legendLegend options for highcharter objects
hc_loadingLoading options for highcharter objects
hcmapShortcut for create map from...
hc_mapNavigationMapnavigation options for highcharter objects
hc_mapViewMapview options for highcharter objects
hc_motionSetting Motion options to highcharts objects
hc_navigatorNavigator options for highcharter objects
hc_panePane options for highcharter objects
hcparcordsShortcut to create parallel coordinates
hc_plotOptionsPlotoptions options for highcharter objects
hcpxy_add_pointAdd point to a series of a higchartProxy object
hcpxy_add_seriesAdd data to higchartProxy element
hcpxy_loadingShow or hide loading text for a higchartProxy object
hcpxy_redrawRedraw a higchartProxy object
hcpxy_remove_pointRemove point to a series of a higchartProxy object
hcpxy_remove_seriesRemove series to higchartProxy element
hcpxy_set_dataUpdate data for a higchartProxy object
hcpxy_updateUpdate options for a higchartProxy object
hcpxy_update_pointUpdate options series in a higchartProxy object
hcpxy_update_seriesUpdate options series in a higchartProxy object
hc_rangeSelectorRangeselector options for highcharter objects
hc_responsiveResponsive options for highcharter objects
hc_rm_seriesRemoving series to highchart objects
hc_scrollbarScrollbar options for highcharter objects
hc_seriesSeries options for highcharter objects
hc_sizeChanging the size of a 'highchart' object
hcsparkShortcut to make spkarlines
hc_subtitleSubtitle options for highcharter objects
hc_themeCreating highcharter themes
hc_theme_538Theme collection for highcharts
hc_theme_aloneAlone theme for highcharts
hc_theme_bloomBloomberg Graphics theme for highcharts
hc_theme_chalkChalk theme for highcharts
hc_theme_darkunicaDark Unica theme for highcharts
hc_theme_dbDotabuff theme for highcharts
hc_theme_economistEconomist theme for highcharts
hc_theme_elementaryElementary (OS) theme for highcharts
hc_theme_ffxFirefox theme for highcharts
hc_theme_flatFlat theme for highcharts
hc_theme_flatdarkFlatdark theme for highcharts
hc_theme_ftFinancial Times theme for highcharts
hc_theme_ggplot2ggplot2 theme for highcharts
hc_theme_googleGoogle theme for highcharts
hc_theme_gridlightGrid Light theme for highcharts
hc_theme_handdrawnHand Drawn theme for highcharts
hc_theme_hcrtHighcharter theme for highcharts
hc_theme_mergeMerge themes
hc_theme_monokaiMonokai theme for highcharts
hc_theme_nullNull theme for highcharts
hc_theme_sandsignikaSand Signika theme for highcharts
hc_theme_smplSimple theme for highcharts
hc_theme_sparklineSparkline theme for highcharts
hc_theme_superheroesSuperheroes theme for highcharts
hc_theme_tufteTufte theme for highcharts
hc_titleTitle options for highcharter objects
hc_tooltipTooltip options for highcharter objects
hctreemapShortcut for create treemaps
hctreemap2Shortcut to create treemaps.
hc_xAxisXaxis options for highcharter objects
hc_yAxisYaxis options for highcharter objects
hc_zAxisZaxis options for highcharter objects
hex_to_rgbaTransform colors from hexadecimal format to rgba hc notation
highchartCreate a Highcharts chart widget
highchart2Create a Highcharts chart widget
highcharterAn 'htmlwidget' interface to the Highcharts javascript chart...
highcharter-exportshighcharter exported operators and S3 methods
highchartOutputWidget output function for use in Shiny
highchartProxySend commands to a Highcharts instance in a Shiny app
highcharts_demoChart a demo for testing themes
hw_gridLays out highchart widgets into a "grid", similar to...
is.hexcolorCheck if a string vector is in hexadecimal color format
is.highchartReports whether x is a highchart object
list_parseConvert an object to list with identical structure
mountains_panoramaVisual comparison of Mountains Panorama
mutate_mappingModify data frame according to mapping
random_idFunction to generate iids
renderHighchartWidget render function for use in Shiny
str_to_idString to 'id' format
tooltip_chartHelper to create charts in tooltips.
tooltip_tableHelper for make table in tooltips
unemploymentUS Counties unemployment rate
uscountygeojsonUS Counties map in Geojson format (list)
usgeojsonUS States map in Geojson format (list)
worldgeojsonWorld map in Geojson format (list)
jbkunst/highcharter documentation built on March 14, 2024, 12:52 a.m.