Man pages for jesse-smith/covidscreen
COVID-19 Asymtomatic Screening Strategy Assessment

calc_distCalculate the Steady-State Joint Distribution for a...
conditionalNumericRangeInputDisplay a Point or Range Input Box Based on a Trigger Input
conditionalSliderRangeInputDisplay a Point or Range Slider Based on a Trigger Input
covidscreen-packagecovidscreen: COVID-19 Asymtomatic Screening Strategy...
cs_distCalculate the Steady-State Joint Distribution for a...
cs_nav_ext_linkAdd a Hyper-linked Item to a Navbar or Navbar Menu
cs_nav_padAdd Padding to a Navbar or Navbar Menu
cs_sumSummarize Joint Distribution from 'cs_dist()'
cs_tooltipAdd a tooltip to an HTML Element from 'tags'
info_modalAdd Info Modal to UI
input_panel_serverShow/Hide and Provide Info on an Input Panel
insert_argsUpdate Argument in a reactiveValues dist_args Object
internal-summaryInternal Summary Functions
num_input2Wrap 'conditionalNumericRangeInput()' for Ease of Use
reactive_distReactive Version of 'calc_dist()'
reactivePointRangeReactively Select the Point or Range from a Conditional Range...
reactive_rangeWrap 'reactivePointRange()' for Consistent Nomenclature in...
risk-metricsRisk-Based Metrics
run_appRun the covidscreen Application
select_inputSelect an Input Variable
select_outputSelect an Output Type for Plotting
slider_pct2Wrap 'conditionalSliderRangeInput()' for Ease of Use
tabsDefine Tabs in App
tag_tooltipHTML Headers with tooltips
test-metricsTesting Metrics
toggle_panel_serverHandle a toggle panel in the Server
toggle_panel_uiCreate a toggle panel in the UI
updateConditionalNumericRangeInputChange the Value or Label of a conditionalNumericRangeInput
jesse-smith/covidscreen documentation built on June 15, 2022, 7:46 p.m.